Our delicious eggs come from our flock of heritage breed chickens, who are truly free-range and pasture raised. They spend their days out on the grass, scratching and pecking as chickens were created to do.
In addition to helping themselves to all the pasture and insects they want during the warm months, the chickens are fed grain that we mix and mill. They are GMO, soy, and corn free. We are happy to support other local farmers and provide a large proportion of the flock's diet from small grains grown here in Sheridan. Additional grain required to provide a balanced diet is certified organic. The hens are also fed excess fruit and vegetables from our orchard and gardens. During the winter months, the chickens are provided access to grass/alfalfa hay and USA-produced dried grubs.
Important! How it works…
You may complete your transaction online. Delivery and pickup will be made the following Saturday at the Farmers Market at Landons Greenhouse from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. Orders of custom-cut, whole or half animals are exempt. Those are processed seasonally, and must be preordered.