From our family to yours.

Welcome to your farm!
Are you ready to take ownership of the food you serve to your family? Or perhaps you have long researched the importance and value of nutrient dense, all natural food and products. Maybe you are dealing with a health event, or just want to start feeling better or be around to play with your grandchildren. Wherever you are on your journey, Shiloh Valley Farm is here to walk with you along the way.
Our journey to real food started when we began having children. As two young Air Force officers and active outdoorsy types, Chris and I didn’t give a whole lot of thought to our food. Then we started our family and started thinking a lot more about what was going into these young, growing bodies. I discovered that the food I had grown up eating on my parents’ farm in southeastern Montana was not what I was buying in the grocery store aisles. So we found farmers in the areas in which we were stationed from whom we could buy the food and products we didn’t have the ability to produce ourselves. They were “our” farmers.
When it came time to separate from the Air Force and establish roots for our children, we chose the community of Sheridan, and to become the farmers we had relied on. It is an honor and a privilege to provide healthful foods to our community. We want to share the assurance of a full pantry with our neighbors. We are YOUR farm.