Wool and Alpaca Fiber

The fleece produced by Icelandic sheep is prized and unique.  The fleece is dual coated, with a fine, soft undercoat called thel and a longer, coarser outer coat called tog.  It is lustrous, strong, water- and wear-resistant, and sheds off the rain and weather.   The combination of the two fibers on the sheep gives superb protection from the cold and wet.  The versatility of the wool, the ease of spinning and the wide variety of colors and patterns are a delight to handspinners, and put Icelandic wool into the exotic or premium category.  It is also known as one of the best fleeces for felting.  The pelts are also highly sought after and are soft and flexible, as well as beautiful.

Suri Alpacas account for less than 10% of the alpacas worldwide are Suris, making their fiber rare and sought after. Suri’s unique cool-to-the-touch feel, lovely drape, and luster make it ideal for knitting, crocheting, weaving, felting, and hand spinning.  These features also make it a wonderful fiber for blending- elevating other natural fibers. Many of our alpaca products are blended with Huacaya alpaca fiber for added loft to the yarn while still retaining the luster and silky hand of Suri fiber.

Wool & Alpaca Fiber

Alpaca Yarn - Early Spring
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Alpaca Yarn - Ancient Turquoise
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Alpaca Yarn - Royalty
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Alpaca Yarn - Snowmelt
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Alpaca Yarn - Dreams in Gold
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Alpaca Yarn - Confetti
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Alpaca Yarn - Dulce de Leche
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Alpaca Yarn - Night Train
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Alpaca Yarn - Blizzard
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Alpaca Yarn - Black Coffee
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Alpaca Yarn - Cafe au Lait
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Alpaca Yarn - December Night
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Icelandic Lambswool - Brown Sugar
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Icelandic Lambswool - Tennessee Whiskey
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Icelandic Lambswool - Noir
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Icelandic Lambswool - Morning Mist
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Icelandic Lambswool - Winter
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Icelandic Sheepswool Yarn - Cleopatra
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Icelandic Sheepswool Yarn - Favorite Blue Jeans
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Icelandic Sheepswool Yarn - Wyoming Nightfall
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Icelandic Sheepswool Yarn - Glowing Ember
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Icelandic Sheep Pelt
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Icelandic Sheep Pelt
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Icelandic Sheep Pelt
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Icelandic Sheep Pelt
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Icelandic Sheep Pelt
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Icelandic Sheep Pelt
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Icelandic Sheep Pelt
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Icelandic Sheep Pelt - White
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Icelandic Sheep Pelt
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Extract of Llama
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