Life is just a...well, you know...
Is there anything more beautiful than a bowl of cherries?? Well, I'm picturing a pie with flaky crust cut open to reveal the ruby red yumminess inside, complete with a scoop of vanilla ice cream!
Our first official offering from our young orchard are these lovely tart cherries, and they have such a short season, you need to snatch yours up now before they are gone!
I hate to be cliche', but we have had such a bumper crop of pie cherries that we are glad to share our "bowl full"!
We started our orchard about seven years ago, and in the last couple of years have had token amounts of fruit for our family to enjoy. But this year, some of the varieties of tart cherries have really come to maturity and are just loaded with these gorgeous red jewels.
And so, we are finally able to bring our fruit to market to share ridiculously fresh, organically grown, local cherries with our community!
The cherries we are offering are of the absolute highest quality - as you have come to expect from Shiloh Valley Farm. There will be no blemishes on your cherries, and they are of perfect ripeness.
One advantage to your food being produced by a large family is that we never try to sell anything less than the best - we eat all the "seconds". And one advantage of your food being produced by a diversified farm (although there are many advantages!) is that the "thirds" go to producing delicious eggs and pork. Nothing is wasted and is all a "force multiplier", a concept we learned in the Air Force.
Both Wyoming summers and cherry season are short, so make plans for a delicious cherry dessert to celebrate these beautiful summer days we have been enjoying!!
We will have the cherries at the Thursday market on Aug 10, and Landon's Market on Aug 12 and 19 (if they don't sell out before then!), and will even have a few cherry pitters for sale if you are in need of one. Contact us directly if you can't make it to market and we will try to meet you in town.
Hi! Ho! Cherry-o!