To Market, to Market...
...To buy a fat pig!
It is that time of year again! We are back at market AND are taking reservations for whole and half animals to be delivered Fall 2023.
We attended our first market of the year at Landon's Greenhouse Farmer's Market last Saturday and it was so great to see everyone. School is out for the summer and the two oldest members of Shiloh Valley Family Farm are home from college, so we are glad to be able to make it back to market. We will be there every Saturday if the Lord is willing and the creek don't rise - which is actually a real concern this year! : )
We will also be at the Sheridan Market at Whitney Commons on Thursday evenings. It is such a beautiful place for a community event and we are so happy to be back there!
We intend to be at both markets, but sometimes events on the farm do make it impossible for us to attend. Please check our social media accounts prior to markets as I will post updates there!
We are now taking reservations for whole and half orders of pork, lamb, or goat.
Reservations are on a first come, first serve, basis. There are a limited number available, so please get your reservations in early! Please click for more information on pricing:
The process for ordering half or whole animals is pretty simple and provides a more economical way to fill your freezer!
I am happy to answer any questions you may have along the way, but the steps are generally:
1. Make Reservation - Contact me to check availability and get your name on the list.
2. Send Deposit - Deposits are applied to the total cost of your order. Send a deposit check to Shiloh Valley Farm. Credit cards are also accepted for a small fee.
Pork - $300 whole/$150 half
Lamb - $150 whole/$75 half
Goat - $150 whole/$75 half
3. Choose your Cuts - When the animal is delivered to the processor, I will notify you. At that time, you will fill out a cut sheet for the processor to custom process your meat. I send out an informational sheet on different cuts; I am also happy to answer any questions, as is Western Heritage Meat Co.
4. Final Payment and Pick-up - When the meat has been cut and frozen and is ready for pick up, I will contact you. Final payment is due at this time.
5. Cook, eat, and ENJOY!
Thank you for giving us the opportunity and honor of providing you, your family, and your friends with delicious and healthy food!
Wishing you abundant life and health,