
Great pork starts with happy pigs. Our purebred Berkshire pigs are pasture-raised, and fed a variety of locally farmed natural grains, as well as alfalfa hay, vegetables, fruit, and fresh milk to provide a nutrient-rich diet and to produce great flavored pork.

They are never fed GMOs, soy, or corn. Because of the healthful way they are raised, they never require routine antibiotics, nor are synthetic hormones given to increase weight gain.

Berkshire pork is valued for its richness and wonderful flavor and yields cuts that are well-marbled and consistently sweet, tender, and juicy. Berkshires are a relatively rare heritage breed which originated in England nearly four centuries ago with breeders emphasizing meat quality over industrial production methods.

How it works…

You may complete your transaction online. Delivery and pickup will be made the following Saturday at the Farmers Market at Landons Greenhouse from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. Orders of custom-cut, whole or half animals are handled differently. Those are processed seasonally, and must be preordered.


Berkshire Pork Loin Roast
from $54.00
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Ham Lunchmeat Slices- Hickory-smoked, Nitrate-Free
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Pork Tenderloin Roast
from $24.00
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